
The body is the vessel through which we do everything in life. It grows, and we grow along with it, and it is in a constant state of change. Every day is a fun challenge, and we love observing the process of this ever-changing perfection that nature created.

The thing is, when it comes to the body and the skin, it always seems to change in one direction – aging. As we age, the body’s internal processes, whether it is workout recovery or skin cell turnover, slow down. It takes more time to heal, you need more time to recharge, and everything feels like it’s “taking its sweet time” to complete. This is what happens when you age. It is an unavoidable process, and the signs are first shown on the outside, specifically on the skin. Small wrinkles and fine lines are more than acceptable, but the one thing that people are surprised by the most is when aging skin happens prematurely.

The reality of the situation is that you can’t really avoid aging skin - ever. But let’s not get doom and gloomy all of a sudden. Luckily, there are ways you can put this under control. When you notice you’re dealing with aging skin signs, it is time to take matters into your own hands, especially if you’re not ready to deal with aging yet.

We thought long and hard about this subject and decided to share some useful info with you. Today, we’re talking all about what causes aging skin, and how to slow down the process as much as you can.

What causes premature aging?

Firstly, there are so many factors that contribute to premature aging that we cannot even begin to describe! However, we did our best and created a list of the things that can cause significant changes to the skin’s surface other than your age.

  • Smoking

The most dangerous cause of aging skin is smoking! This is a habit that we all know about, and nothing good comes out of it. Cigarettes contain certain toxins that constantly expose your skin to oxidative stress. This kind of stress leads to premature aging, wrinkles, and overall skin dryness.

  • Sun exposure

As obvious as it sounds, we had to include this one in the list. Constant sun exposure, especially without using an SPF cream, can lead to a lot more than just aging skin signs. The UV rays can penetrate deep under the skin’s surface and do quite a number on your skin cells. The wrinkles are only the beginning of the extent of the damage the sun can do to your skin.

  • Tanning

If you’re someone who enjoys getting a tan all through the year, think twice before going into the tanning bed next time! Just like with the sun rays, tanning beds penetrate under the skin and damage the DNA in your skin cells. Extensive damage is possible here, too.

  • Genes

While some of you may have been blessed with incredible skin and lovely features, others may have had a difficult time, but you can’t really control genes. For example, some people look youthful even well after their fifties, whereas others show small signs of aging just after they turn 30.

  • Environmental factors

It is true that environmental stressors are hard to avoid,  but you need to know what they do to your skin. The pollutants we find everywhere around us come in direct contact with the skin. That’s when the skin barrier (the outermost part) is being attacked and subjected to pollutants and toxins. Being constantly subjected to it results in fine lines, wrinkles, and premature aging skin. With that in mind, it’s best to refrain from touching our faces after we’ve been outside since both our faces and arms are filled with bacteria. The last thing you want is to get them deeper into the skin’s surface!

  • Dietary habits

The food you consume has a very large impact on how you look. Cigarettes are not the only thing that can have a damaging effect on the skin. For instance, if you indulge in a high level of caffeine and alcohol intake, or are subject to a dietary restriction that does not provide you with all the nutrients you need, the skin weakens and loses its vitality, leaving it dull and lifeless.

  • Sleeping habits

Yes, the list goes on, and sleeping habits are a large part of it. Just imagine this – you haven’t been sleeping properly for the past few days, and you feel exhausted. You go to your mirror and take a look at yourself, only to be left mortified at what you see! Your skin looks tired and colorless and like it needs some plumping up! Not getting enough sleep can result in a lot of issues, and all of them are immediately visible.

  • Stress

 We’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives. Some of you even experience it a little bit more often – maybe even daily. So when you look at yourself while you are doing your daily skincare routine and wondering why your skin looks the way it looks, know that stress can always impact how you look. This particular kind of lifestyle can trigger an inflammatory response in the body, and make it age faster than it should.

Nevertheless, out of all the things we included in our list of aging skin causes, you might feel like most of them are out of your control. We understand why you feel that way, and that’s why we are slowly solving your issue. But, before we finalize things, we would like to take a minute and discuss aging skin signs.

Aging Skin Signs

While the aging process looks different for everyone, the common signs are always there. However, the signs of aging skin usually show around or before you turn 35. Naturally, we’ve created a list of these signs – take a read below.

  • Sun spots 

These are also known as liver spots or age spots and are usually caused by years of sun exposure. They are considered as hyperpigmented small patches on your forearms, face, and the back of your hands. Commonly, sun spots appear after the age of 40, but if you are dealing with prematurely aged skin, they might show a lot earlier than expected.

  • Gaunt hands 

As time goes on, the skin’s top layers become thinner. They stop containing as much collagen, and the skin ultimately becomes veiny, thinner, and more prone to wrinkles. While this is something that could happen to everyone, if it happens before the age of 40, it means your skin is prematurely aging.

  • Inflammation on the chest 

With aging, you may notice some patchy discoloration on your chest. These spots are similar to sun spots, and there is not an average age when this happens. While this is not something that is particularly connected to aging skin, we felt like we had to include it in this list.

  • Itchy and dry skin 

It doesn’t have to be the combination of the two – you can have either dry or itchy skin, and it is still a sign of premature aging. If you notice this happening more than frequently over a certain period, it may seem like your skin is a lot more susceptible to dehydration. As you near your 40s, this will happen more often than usual.

  • Saggy skin and wrinkles 

Did you know that, as you enter your 30s, your skin stops producing as much collagen? Collagen is the main protein that keeps your skin in optimal shape. It helps the skin retain its plumpness and helps it bounce back from any distress or damage. But, as collagen production levels decrease, you may notice your skin starting to become saggy, and the wrinkles are becoming more and more visible. The funny thing is that it happens around the muscles you contract the most, like the ones on your forehead. Almost everyone who has these wrinkles knows they’ve gained them prematurely. In combination with environmental stressors and dehydration, they are unavoidable.

  • Hair loss

It is rare when someone speaks of the health of the scalp. We have skin there, too, and it is probably the gentlest part of the entire body. Hair loss may happen when the stem cells that trigger hair growth die off. This may be due to environmental factors, genetics, dietary plans, hormonal changes, and so on. But, when it happens, it happens quickly. Many people experience hair loss, and this is another sign of premature aging.

We’ve gone through the aging skin signs and the causes – now it is time to move on to the solutions!

How To Combat Aging Skin

It is the age-old question – how to prevent skin aging? Unfortunately, you can’t, but there are ways to slow down the process. For one, you can limit your exposure to the sun and try to develop an aging skincare routine that works for you. This is just the tip of the iceberg!

You can start by paying more attention to your entire body – not just your face. Use sunscreen every day, as it can help you prevent premature aging. Keep a good sleeping schedule and a healthy dietary plan, be active, remove your makeup before bed, and so on (you probably know the drill by now).

Also, take a look at the skincare products you use – are they good for your skin at the moment? Do you think that you need to change them for something that will suit your skin more at this life stage? Find the products that will do marvels to your skin, and implement them in your routine one at a time. That way, you will give your skin the proper time to adjust, while the products work their magic.

While we are on the topic of aging skincare routines, we have some marvelous news for you! Our skincare set is probably the best thing you can apply to your skin, especially if you are dealing with signs of premature aging. The set consists of 5 products, and here they all are below!

5-piece blueberry rhubarb skincare set

The first step is the facial cleanser. As you begin your routine, this cleanser will set the tone for every other step afterward. It can remove all impurities, sebum, and makeup, leaving your skin healthy, glowing, and fresh. It is the perfect way to start your skincare routine – since it is both gentle to your skin and highly effective.

The second step is the facial toner. As you can notice from the name of the set, all products are filled with blueberry and rhubarb natural extracts, making this toner perfect for balancing your pH levels. What we love the most about it is that it can minimize the appearance of pores. As soon as you are done with it, you will notice your skin looking hydrated, revitalized, and ready for the next step.

The third step is the facial mask. Filled with lactic and glycolic acid, this is the mask you need if you want to make your skin softer, even out your skin tone, deal with dark spots, and remove dead skin cells from the surface. Also, this facial mask is so powerful, it can minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and large pores. It leaves behind a radiant and refreshed look.

The fourth step is the facial serum. Filled with probiotics, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid, it can go deep under the skin's surface, promoting a firmer and more youthful look. It can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and deal with uneven skin tone.

The fifth and final step is the facial moisturizer. This one helps you “seal the deal”. It does more than nourish the skin – it also keeps it safe from environmental stressors!

Experiencing premature aging skin can be a stressful thing – that’s why we love sharing our powerful solutions with you! Take a look through our products and keep on reading – our blog is filled with useful info!